Terms of Service, Cookie and Privacy

By registering and/or using www.iwet.it (iWET from now on), you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of service, privacy information and cookie information contained on this page.


Collection and use of personal data

Personal data is data that can be used, directly or indirectly, to identify a person. iWET collects some personal data provided through the registration form, through the page "My Profile and Preferences" and in general through the use of the site. In detail, iWET collects:

  • Data provided at registration: username (which can be a nickname or real name), password, e-mail.
  • Other data entered through the use of iWET: preferences for site use (for example cookies for language selection).
  • Data recorded automatically: IP addresses, connection times. Third-party services (e.g. visit counters) can also record the operating system, browser, screen resolution and other data of the device used. 


How personal data is used

Personal data is used to provide and develop the service (iWET): for example, by registering an account (with username, password, email) it is possible to receive informations on events and initiatives and to use all services offered by iWET.

In addition, the e-mail address is used to notify you of your registration, to communicate any new password if password recovery is used. Any notification can be deactivated at any time.

Finally, some data (IP addresses) are recorded for security reasons, to verify the accounts, minimize duplicate registrations, disturbers, trolls, and to maintain the maximum possible security on iWET.

All personal data you enter on iWET are publicly visible, with the exception of e-mail, password and IP, because the only purpose to enter the optional data of the profile is to share them with the public by completing the profile only with the information you want explicitly to show. Do not enter information that you do not want to disclose!

All personal datas and private messages are not publicly visible. Don't insert informations you don't want to spread. Private messages are only visible to the author of the message and to the recipient of the message; contact the administrator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to require messages deletion.

The data are used for the purposes described here and are stored, as safely as possible, without time limits (data are deleted only if requested by the user). The data are processed within the European Union, and specifically in Italy.


Your rights

You have the right to delete your personal data. You can cancel the entire account by contacting the administrator at the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

You can request a copy of your data (data portability). You have the right to submit complaints to the supervisory authority. Requests regarding personal data and privacy sent to iWET (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) will be answered within a reasonable time (usually 3-4 days, and in any case no later than 30 days).


Data breach

iWET will communicate any data breach that may cause risks for the rights and the freedom of those involved to the control authority, as well as those directly involved, in accordance with the law. However, iWET is structured in such a way as to reduce risks and make such data breaches as ineffective as possible, by adopting various measures:

  • iWET collects only the data necessary for the operation of the site and a large part of this data is information that the user explicitly chooses to share with everyone; a good part of this data (username and other data inserted in the profile) are already publicly visible, so it would be a nonsense to 'steal' information already publicly available. 
  • Private data (e-mail, password, IP, private messages) are stored with the utmost caution; password and email addresses are encrypted and private messages are totally removed from the database after user delete them.  


Privacy Notice, legal notes

Under Article. 13 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 n. 196 of Italian Law, iWET will process the data provided in compliance with the legislation on protection of personal data.

Personal data is collected and treated directly and / or by third parties for the following purposes and methods:

  • Purposes related to the execution of website services (registration is required to send messages and use all the features of iWET).
  • The mail is not made public, but is used to communicate the activation of the account and, at your request, to receive messages or notifications and alerts. You will not get advertisements by e-mail.
  • Passwords are encrypted to assure that nome, except the owners, could decrypt them. 
  • The owner of the site is iWET, that can be contacted by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - P. IVA IT01765260185
  • The fulfillment of obligations under the law as well as provisions issued by the authorities or by the supervisory authorities and / or control.

The owner of this site declares under his own responsibility that the informative message of the site has been published in compliance with the regulations in force.

The user has right to exercise the rights pursuant to art. 7 of the Law 196/2003. According to the same article, you have the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment. For this purpose, the interested party may contact the e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


iWET uses technical uses cookies and third party cookies to optimize navigation and to make possible the operation of most of the pages; for example, you need to use cookies to register for and log in. Continuing the navigation, you consent to the cookies.

Specifically, iWET uses the following technical cookies (i.e. cookies that enable the operation of the site, but do not store personal information):

1) cookies for log in (only for registered users, to allow access)

2) cookies for language selection (Italian or English language)

3) cookie for choosing between the desktop version and mobile version of the site.


Third-party cookies can also be installed (i.e. cookies installed from other sites), specifically:

1)Facebook (see policy Facebook for cookie)

2) Twitter (see policy Twitter for cookie)


iWET does not directly use any 'profiling cookies ', i.e. cookies that store preferences and sensitive data for commercial purposes or advertising.

If you want to completely disable cookies, remove cookies installed by iWET or remove only specific cookies, consult your browser's instructions.


Rules of Conduct

It is essential to be friendly and polite. Everyone has his own opinion: in your messages, try to be clear and to avoid expressions that may result offensive to someone.

If you notice an incorrect behavior, you can signal it. Never respond to any provocations, and avoid by all means that the discussions degenerate: if others make mistakes, do not respond in the same way, but try to give a good example.

Never write in CAPITAL LETTERS, nor within messages, nor in the titles. The titles must be as representative as possible of the content.


Prohibited activities

It is strictly forbidden to write offensive messages, racist messages, defamatory messages or messages that promote illegal activities or have porn content.

It is forbidden to use the forum for complaint discussions, both against the iWET staff or against other users.

Each person can have a single account; it is forbidden to have duplicate accounts (a double account may cause the ban).



All images are copyright of their respective authors.

In case of copyright violations (if you find that some user has uploaded your own pictures, claiming to be theirs) contact the administrator to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; the photo will be removed as soon as possible.



Each user is responsible for what he writes; the administrator and the moderators are not responsible for what users write.

The content posted by the users may contain links to external websites; it is the duty and responsibility of the author of this content (the user, not the administrator of iWET) to make sure that these links do not lead to illegal sites, porn sites or malicious sites.


Free participation

iWET participation is free.

By registering to iWET, you accept to participate for free; you will not get any compensation for participation to iWET.

The iWET staff has the right to block or permanently delete any account at its sole discretion, without notice or notification. It is not possible to ask for compensation for the account deletion or any other compensation.


Microsoft Translator

This service may contain automatic translations made by Microsoft Translate.